We believe, for the good of the company, that every staff member, at minimum, should receive training in the following areas:
- Avoiding Harassment
- Getting Along in the Workplace
- The Art of Communication
- Congratulations, you are a Manager – now what?
- Safety in the Workplace
- Employee Handbook – Company Policies
- Managers class: Employment Law: It’s what you think you know that you don’t know that gets you and your company in trouble.
Here are a few of the classes I have taught:
- Staff of 200 Museum employees –how to avoid bullying, how to survive workplace disasters, what is harassment, the art of handling change at work – which included a little meditation and deep breathing! How to manage employee performance… and more!
- Trained non-English speaking machinists about required safety gear, fitted each employee with respiratory equipment and demonstrated how to wear and employ that equipment.
- Taught Catholic Priests email and social media etiquette introduced the Pope’s (yes, the Pope) directives on the use of email… and got them to laugh at Monty Python!
- Trained railroad managers in two-day leadership seminars.
- Taught a quarterly class for a well-known restaurant chain’s new franchisers; Employment Law University (Employment laws A to Z!)
- Webinars on Safety in the workplace, how to handle I-9s, what to do if ICE shows up at your door,
- How to coach employees to improve performance.
- After completing an investigation, to help a restaurant owner in Colorado avoid future issues, created an avoiding Harassment webinar tailored to the restaurant’s needs… It is part of their manager training and new employee orientation process.
- Hiring, firing and everything in Between – Managers can inadvertently cost you money! There are many legal pitfalls when you promote someone to management without putting them through evaluation and training first! Set your manager up to succeed by calling us for an evaluation, employment law training, and leadership coaching.